Let’s see Harley-Davidson Big John, a terminator-inspired custom, arnie would approve

That scene made a lasting impression on many of the even younger viewers of the Terminator 2: Judgment Day movie. Including on a guy from Germany, who just had to have another, much younger motorcycle of the same type remade in such a way as to be reminiscent of the sci-fi flick, and to honor it.

Called Big John (presumably as a nod to one of the movie’s main characters, John Connor), the motorcycle was put together by the German crew called Thunderbike, and it’s one of the few in their portfolio to mix chrome with matte and glossy black in such an effective manner.

The dominant hue is the matte one, spread all over the custom tank, side panels and fenders, with gloss completing that in all the right places, and chrome generously used at the front.

The Big John is the most recent Thunderbike creation, and sports all the required modifications to make it a suitable custom, including an air suspension, lowering of the front end, and a slightly wider rear tire, sized 260 mm instead of the stock 240. The engine is unmodified front stock, the only extra bit fitted in there being the Dr. Jekill & Mr. Hyde exhaust system.

In all, the Fat Boy needed almost 30 custom bits added to it to become the Big John, and they amount to over 8,000 euros, which is about the same in dollars these days. That value does not include the man hours spent on the transformation, the paint job, and the said exhaust system.

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