Look at the Harley-Davidson Groovy Fact is a Meccano-style fat boy fresh out of Japan

Meccano is now known as a British company in the business of making scale models of vehicles. People generally associate the name with the products themselves, which are toys made with metal strips, girders, wheels, axles and gears. A sort of LEGO, if you will, only better.

Bad Land on the other hand is a veteran maker of custom Harley-Davidsons, and even if it doesn’t explicitly use Meccanos for inspiration, most of the builds wearing its signature look like life-size toys of this kind.

Just look at this here Fat Boy, the most recent project of the shop, and you’ll instantly know what we mean. Called Groovy Fact post-conversion, it stands tall, black and proud with metal bits effectively making the point this is no longer a stock Harley.

The bike is propped on Roland Sands wheels, sized 21 inches at the front and 18 inches at the rear. Both rest under custom fenders molded for the task at hand by Bad Land itself, with the front one supported by a custom girder fork, the element that screams Meccano the most.

Each wheel is backed by a mixture of Misumi and Brembo braking hardware, while the Japanese shop is responsible for designing the handlebar, headlight, and fuel tank. The exhaust system and the large air horn pointing forward on the side of the engine, the only major changes brought to the Fat Boy’s powerplant, are also of Bad Land make.

Groovy Fact is the most recent of the Japanese shop’s designs, bike number 155. It was presented this year, but not with a sticker, so we have no details on how much it cost to make.

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